You are most likely here looking for some info about me.
Here is a bit of a summary
- I am happily married and a proud mother of 2 fabulous daughters.
- I support peace. War is never the answer.
- I believe that health care should not be in the hands of for-profit entities.
- I am passionate about housing. I believe that housing is a human right.
I worked for many years to increase the amount of affordable housing in the Seattle area. In the recent past, I even helped start a political party that would champion that cause, among other pressing issues. In 2024, I am pursuing ways I can once again put my energy toward expanding affordable housing so that everyone can have a stable home.
I spent my childhood in three states: New York, Utah, and California. More recently, my family and I lived full-time in Panama, in the wonderful beach town of Puerto Armuelles, for almost 10 years. Then, for the last few years, I have been going back and forth between Panama and Seattle. We will likely move back to Puerto Armuelles, at least part-time, when both of our kids have completed their schooling.
My husband and I own 3 businesses, each very different from the other. Listed in order of creation, newest first.
- TurboGuitar.com – The TurboTail (my husband’s invention) is changing the way guitars are built by freeing the soundboard. That is, the TurboTail transfers the guitar strings’ tension from the soundboard to the tailblock, allowing the soundboard to vibrate optimally.
- WireFreeSky.com – We remove unneeded telecom wires and satellite dishes from homes in Seattle & soon, in Portland, Oregon.
- LivinginPanama.com – We provide information on living in Panama and offer real estate for sale in Puerto Armuelles, Panama.
I very occasionally add pages on this website with info on topics of interest to me. Feel free to explore whatever pages exist here now.